The magical world of ANBORAN was born when Ronnie Anderson Jr., a laboratory scientist and father of three girls, realized he could not find fairytales featuring people of color to read to his three young daughters. So he decided to write his own! Join us at the Main Library at Goodwood on Saturday, October 28, 2-4 p.m. for The Community Affair to hear Anderson’s newest book Chandeliea, learn the story behind ANBORAN, and meet the author. Door prizes will be given away, and the first 100 attendees to register will receive a free book, signed by the author! Anderson’s ANBORAN stories, including Chandeliea, Changing Beautiful, The Candlemaker and the Moon, Restoring Joy, The Hairless Bear, and Everla and the Stone Prince, are available at Barnes and Noble. This event is sponsored by Baton Rouge community leaders and Entergy. Registration is required. View on the calendar and register here or directly register here.