Calling all adult gamers in the Greater Baton Rouge area! Join us for GUGL! The Grown-Up Gaming League at the Bluebonnet Regional Branch. GUGL is a monthly games program open to adult players of all skill levels, ages 18 and older. Sessions may feature games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Catan, Ticket to Ride, Arkham Horror, Five Minute Dungeon, Risk, Munchkin, Magicthe Gathering (TCG), and over 200 more to choose from! BYOG – Bring your own games or play using GUGL’s sets. Use the QR code below to join GUGL on Discord and to check availability and lunch preferences for Saturday events. Upcoming dates: Wednesday, January 10 at 6 p.m.: Open Board Game Night(Beginners-Intermediate) Saturday, January 13 at Noon: Tabletop RPG Saturdays: Pathfinderand Dungeons & Dragons. Check Discord for availability. Wednesday, January 17 at 6 p.m.: Introduction to Magic theGathering (Beginners-Intermediate) Wednesday, January 24 at 6 p.m.: Big Board Game Night (Choosefrom the group’s 250+ games or bring your own to share) Saturday, January 27 at Noon: Tabletop RPG Saturdays: Pathfinderand Dungeons & Dragons. Check Discord for availability