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May 2024 YouTube Video Roundup

Summertime, and the living is easy . . . or so we’d all hope. But if making a living isn’t so easy for you right now, the Career Center is here to help with our YouTube tutorials and job-search advice:

Top 10 Companies Offering Tuition Assistance for Part-Time Workers

In this video, Certified Career Coach Anne Nowak provides a detailed analysis of our top 10 companies which offer tuition assistance – even for PART-TIME employees. She explains how much money each program offers, under what conditions, and covering which majors at which schools.

From the Resumes Before & After Playlist:

How to Modernize Outdated Formatting

Over time, everything changes . . . including best practices for resumes. In this video, Certified Professional Resume Writer Lynnette Lee looks at how to re-structure an old-fashioned resume into a modern-looking, visually appealing document. This video is part of our Resumes Before and After series, which showcases common resume mistakes and our recommended solutions.

From the Vaults: This Month’s Golden Oldies Spotlight
From the Resumes and Cover Letters Playlist:

Special Resume Rules for Ex-Offenders

If you have a criminal record, creating your resume may be especially challenging. In this video, Certified Professional Resume Writer Lynnette Lee will talk you through the best approaches, including choosing a template, handling an unstable work history, and disguising your incarceration.

Written by Lynnette Lee
