Ah, March. “In like a lion, out like a lamb,” as the adage goes. The job search can be just as inconsistent – full of hope and promise one moment, full of despair and exhaustion the next. But if you’re currently going through a rough patch in your job search, take heart that the Career Center is here to help you tame that lion. Check out our most recent YouTube tutorials: Resources for teens playlist How teens can answer, “how would you calm an angry customer?” Handling upset customers can be difficult for even a seasoned professional, so this question may intimidate less experienced applicants. In this video, Career Specialist Lynnette Lee and guest star Jessica Budd show how to answer this question in a way that highlights your customer service and problem-solving skills. job search mastery playlist salary negotiation tips for women Negotiating your salary can be particularly challenging if you’re a woman. Unfortunately, behavior which seems “confident” and “assertive” in men is often seen as “pushy” or “greedy” in women. In this video, Certified Career Coach Anne Nowak discusses a different approach to salary negotiation which tends to work better for women. this month’s spotlight: the job search websites playlist If you’d like some help finding job postings online, please check out this playlist. This series explores and reviews different job search engines, including Indeed, Zip Recruiter, Glassdoor, and more. Each video provides information about how the website works, what sorts of jobs you can find there, and the dos and don’ts of using it. Written by Lynnette Lee