The Baton Rouge Botanic Garden Foundation will host a FREE Garden Discoveries series event about “Urban Farming” at the Main Library at Goodwood on Saturday, January 13 at 10 a.m. led by Mitchell Provensal, Senior Program Coordinator, Baton Roots Community Farm. Did you know there is a vegetable farm right here in our city? Baton Roots is a community farm and gardening program located at BREC’s Howell Community Park. Our vision is to encourage everyone in our city to get growing and inspire a new generation of farmers/gardeners. Whether introducing children to their first vegetable plant, or reminding elders of the gardens of their youth, Baton Roots reconnects people to where their food originates and how it is grown. Tilled plots and waist-highraised beds create opportunities for neighbors to grow, harvest, learn, and eat together. Our presenter, Mitchell Provensal, will discuss how the community farm works, activities happening at the farm, and the potential of urban agriculture in our city. Also, he will present tips and tricks for prepping your spring vegetable garden! Weather permitting, a tour will follow of the Baton Rouge Botanic Gardens adjacent to the Library. Registration is available here, or call 231-3750for registration assistance. Learn more here.